Thursday, February 01, 2007

So far in 2007...

I’ve resolved to stop offering to do things for people. Now, that’s not to say if you need a favor and you’re in a bind I won’t help you out but I am getting pretty sick of myself always leaping to everyone’s aid when it actually puts me out. Why do I do it? Who knows but I am making an effort to say, “Actually, no. I don’t want to offer to help you out with XYZ because I really HATE XYZ.” I’m sure I’ll find a nice way to say it though. Or maybe not. For awhile there I was really feeling taken advantage of but then Train Guy reminded me that I didn’t really NEED to say “yes” when people asked. It was a big moment for me. NO. NO. NO. See? I think I’m getting better already!

The new job is keeping me really busy and my new routine of hitting the gym at 6:30 in the morning more days than not during the week is just adding to my exhaustion. But it’s all a good exhaustion. A “wow, things are really good, I’m really happy and my life is full” kind of exhaustion.

Besides the same old same old here Train Guy sent me the following e-mail yesterday:

“We have plans the weekend of march 30th and will not be home. We will also need to leave earlyish on friday (before noon if possible). Find a dog sitter. It's a surprise!
(Train Guy)"

Well now. I like surprises but I also have the patience of a gnat so I’m already losing my mind wondering where we’re going. Eight weeks? He expects me to be patient for 8 weeks and not bug the living shit out of him asking “Where are we going?!” He’s already threatened twice to cancel it since my asking is annoying him. The way I see it it’s his fault for bringing it up 56 DAYS in advance and not actually expecting me to plead…. and here I thought he knew me so well…

Hmmm.. I wonder where we’re going since TG doesn’t believe in spending money on vacations. He sees it as a waste of money and would rather dump money into cars which I see as a waste but whatever. So where to? Has to be within driving distance and he said he’d tell me what to pack the night before So far my two guesses are my friends’ beach house since that’s where we went last year at that time for a long weekend or we’re heading to the Home Depot to buy paint to paint my ceilings all weekend. I’ve been nagging him to help me with that for a long time now. Now THAT would be an awesome surprise


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey, welcome back. I was wondering when you'd have something worth mentioning again.

my guess: TG is taking you on a nostalgia tour in beautiful cincinnati, ohio. so many memories...

February 01, 2007 1:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well HELLO stranger! I've missed ya!

8 WEEKS??!! WTF is wrong with that guy??

February 02, 2007 10:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Missed you , glad you're back. Glad things are so full, that's not a bad kind of exhaustion to for the trip, oohhh! Love that, but I agree 56 days warning is too much for any woman!

February 02, 2007 12:24 PM  

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