The four days in Nantucket were, quite simply, amazing. We had a blast. We went kayaking and walking and shopping and eating and drinking – oh the eating and drinking that was done over those four days – and we even did some relaxing, but not much. The rehearsal dinner with drinks on the beach beforehand was amazing and the wedding itself was quite literally unbelievable. The weather was spectacular and a better time couldn’t have been had.
I had so much fun talking to people and laughing and when we got back to the room each night I would say, “You have the greatest family and all their friends are so wonderful. You’re so lucky.” What I realized was that when two of the nicest people get married their friends and families will undoubtedly be nice too and so walking in as a sort of stranger is not a big deal at all. I made great new friends with e-mails and numbers exchanged along with promises to visit.
I came back absolutely exhausted. We never stopped moving for the entire four days and add to that the fact that most activities revolved around a meal and that meal was accompanied by copious amounts of alcohol and dancing, I was plum tuckered out. I woke up on Monday not being able to talk because I don’t think I actually shut up those whole four days either.
I could go on and on but I’ll spare you. I will say that I have never seen so many cameras and that there actually were a few good ones taken of me and Train Guy. I’m not exactly photogenic. I lean more towards the side of Chandler, from the episode of Friends when he and Monica were trying to get an engagement picture. The expressions go from extreme pain to fear to enlightenment to looking like someone is grabbing my ass. For some reason “normal facial expression” or “smile nicely” are not in my vocabulary. When people would take shots of me Train Guy was right there leaning over their shoulder looking at the little screen exclaiming with a pained, pinched up facial expression, “Yeah, just delete it now…” and so goes my modeling career…
Anyhow, here I am with Train Guy at the reception on Saturday:

And for those who actually want to see me and not Cousin It here we are at the rehearsal dinner’s “drinks on the beach”:
And, yes, he really did wear pink pants to the wedding. And he looked fabulous.
I had so much fun talking to people and laughing and when we got back to the room each night I would say, “You have the greatest family and all their friends are so wonderful. You’re so lucky.” What I realized was that when two of the nicest people get married their friends and families will undoubtedly be nice too and so walking in as a sort of stranger is not a big deal at all. I made great new friends with e-mails and numbers exchanged along with promises to visit.
I came back absolutely exhausted. We never stopped moving for the entire four days and add to that the fact that most activities revolved around a meal and that meal was accompanied by copious amounts of alcohol and dancing, I was plum tuckered out. I woke up on Monday not being able to talk because I don’t think I actually shut up those whole four days either.
I could go on and on but I’ll spare you. I will say that I have never seen so many cameras and that there actually were a few good ones taken of me and Train Guy. I’m not exactly photogenic. I lean more towards the side of Chandler, from the episode of Friends when he and Monica were trying to get an engagement picture. The expressions go from extreme pain to fear to enlightenment to looking like someone is grabbing my ass. For some reason “normal facial expression” or “smile nicely” are not in my vocabulary. When people would take shots of me Train Guy was right there leaning over their shoulder looking at the little screen exclaiming with a pained, pinched up facial expression, “Yeah, just delete it now…” and so goes my modeling career…
Anyhow, here I am with Train Guy at the reception on Saturday:

And for those who actually want to see me and not Cousin It here we are at the rehearsal dinner’s “drinks on the beach”:

OOOOOhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!! You're so pretty! You look great in those pictures!
Sounds like so much fun, too!
Thanks for sharing! :)
Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous! Thanks for sharing the pics now I'll think of you actually saying all the things I read. You looked amazing, fabulous and I love a man who can wear pink and look handsome!
Thank you! Geez, if I'd have known how sweet and complimentary you would be I would have posted pictures ages ago!!!! Thank you...
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