Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Dyed fuzzy bunny slippers to match

Yesterday, while heading to the train, I passed some Drexel University students in pajamas. Outside. With bookbags. In public. I've seen some kids do it before and I thought it was a sorority thing or something but I guess not. Jeans and sweatshirts are fine and even having the hair that makes you LOOK like you just rolled out of bed is all part of college, but actually wearing pajama bottoms to class? I think that's a bit much.

Now I don’t consider myself “old-fashioned” but I really do miss getting dressed up for things. I assume I’m in the minority but I miss wearing suits to work. I always felt so much more professional. I miss getting dressed up to go out to dinner or even the theater. I have at least five or six floor length, black tie formal dresses that rarely get worn anymore since everyone got married and work holiday parties seem to have become after work cocktail parties.

When I was a kid we would get dressed up to get on a plane. Yup, we did. As kids in the mid-70s we wore dresses, never jeans. We also put on dresses, white tights and patent leather Mary Janes when we went into New York City for a show. Mom wore a dress and Dad a suit. Now kids wear jeans or even sweat pants. Last year I went to the opera and got dressed up and was surprised, and happy, to see others doing the same. There were some college-age kids in jeans but they were few and far between. Some of the nicest restaurants in the city now actually specify “no jeans.” I think that’s sad. I think it should be a given that if you’re going to a four star restaurant that you wear something nice. Nothing seems to be special anymore.

Is it a respect issue or just a style issue? Whatever it is, I wish we would get dressed up for things again. I mean, what’s the point of keeping your prom dresses if the only times you wear them again are when you clean the house?


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