Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Wow, I’ve never been pregnant and even I know this has got to be stressful...

So a friend of mine and her husband moved to Philly a couple of years ago for her husband’s job. In November she told us he got promoted and so they were moving BACK to Boston. Bummer. Then in January after telling us her house wasn’t selling and they were starting to worry, she says she’s pregnant and the baby is due this summer.

For the past 4 months they’ve both been commuting back and forth from here to Boston where their jobs are and where they’ve been staying with friends. Their house still hasn’t sold and now she’s 27 weeks along. She just sent an e-mail saying that they’ve decided to both work from home and stay in Philly until a few months after the baby is born. Can you say stressful? Oh yeah, AND now she needs to find an Ob because she’s been going to one in Boston.

Yeesh. I know how hard it is to find a Gynecologist but I can’t imagine needing to find an Obstetrician a couple of months before your due date.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

IN philly or the vicinity?
I happen to have a WONDERFUL OB/GYN, as far as I know she is still accepting new patients.

April 26, 2006 1:36 PM  
Blogger t_cole said...

Cat to the rescue - me, i'm just here to sympathize.
i did something similar with my third one - when i lived in Miss with my girls and hubby was still in texas and switched OB's half way through as well as birthing locations.
it's a pain in the you know where - but do-able. i regret that she is unable to spend more time enjoying the anticipation of the birth.
all my best to your friend!

May 01, 2006 10:47 AM  

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